Empowering Care Leavers and Young People Who Endured Child Slavery in Haiti Through English Coaching and Mentoring

Break the Cycle of Hardship and Unleash Potential for Care Leavers and Young People Who Endured Child Slavery in Haiti Through a Comprehensive English Coaching Program.

Why I am Creating This English Program

In Haiti, many young people who aged out of orphanages or grew up in child slavery—commonly known as "restavèk"—face a harsh reality. Once they turn 18, these youth often find themselves forgotten and unprepared for independent living. They lack essential education, life skills, and emotional maturity, leaving them vulnerable to poverty and instability. As a result, many end up in the streets, turning to crime or prostitution as a means of survival. This cycle not only increases crime rates but also further destabilizes families and contributes to ongoing societal challenges.

This program was inspired by an English coaching I delivered for an internet-based company that creates remote jobs for young Haitians in Haiti to work for U.S. companies. As we know, poverty in Haiti is rampant, and my role was to help these young people improve their overall English skills. After witnessing the success of that program and driven by my passion for working with care leavers, I decided to create this English coaching and mentoring program.

Statistics on Child Slavery and Orphan Care in Haiti

Restavek Freedom, a leading organization working to end child slavery in Haiti, provides the following statistics:

  • 300,000 children are currently living in the restavek system.

  • 1 in 15 children in Haiti live as restaveks.

  • 60% of restaveks are girls.

  • Haiti ranks in the top 10 on the Global Slavery Index.

Statistics from Lumos Foundation:

  • There are approximately 760 orphanages in Haiti.

  • About 32,000 children live in these orphanages.

  • Haitian law dictates that children age out of the orphan care system at 18 years old.

  • Recent studies indicate that youth who grow up in institutions are:

    • 40 times more likely to have a criminal record

    • 10 times more likely to enter prostitution

    • 500 times more likely to commit suicide

I believe that no matter how broken someone is, they always have something valuable to give. I don’t see people solely in their suffering or define them by their situation. Instead, I see their inherent value and potential. If we choose to invest in these young people—not just through compassion, but by recognizing and nurturing their potential—we can make a significant impact in their lives. In turn, they can create a profound impact on their community.

These young people have the potential to drive positive, generational change in their communities.

However, their opportunities are often limited by systemic challenges:

  • Many come from impoverished backgrounds and return to economically disadvantaged communities with few opportunities.

  • The education they receive in institutions is frequently inadequate, hindering their chances for further education and stable employment.

  • Their literacy rates are below the national average, affecting their job prospects.

  • The psychological and cognitive impacts of institutionalization—such as trauma, depression, and impaired cognitive development—are compounded by a lack of mental health support.

  • Social stigma and difficulties integrating into society create additional obstacles to forming relationships and building a future.

  • Unemployment and underemployment are common.

I envision a future where every care leaver and youth who endured child slavery in Haiti, and who desires it, has the language skills and life tools to break the cycle of hardship and achieve independence. Through our evolving, sustainable programs, we aim to create lasting impacts that open doors to education, employment, and personal growth, empowering them to realize their full potential.

We support care leavers and youth who endured child slavery on their path to independence by providing comprehensive English coaching and mentoring. Our mission is to equip them with essential language skills and personalized guidance to overcome obstacles and realize their potential. By investing in their education and offering dedicated support, we aim to break the cycle of hardship and empower them to positively impact their lives and communities.

Why Your Support for This English Coaching and Mentoring Program Matters

English is spoken by over 1.5 billion people worldwide, making it a crucial global language. Mastering English opens up a world of opportunities—whether it's advancing your career, connecting with diverse cultures, or accessing a wealth of information.

1. Empowerment Through Language

  • Enhanced Employment Opportunities: English proficiency serves as a gateway to better job prospects, including remote work, freelance opportunities, and positions in English-speaking countries. This can significantly improve the economic situation of care leavers, offering them a pathway out of poverty and instability.

  • Increased Educational Access: Many free educational programs and online courses are available primarily in English. By learning English, care leavers can continue their education, earn certifications, and gain qualifications that enhance their employability and personal development.

  • Improved Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving: Engaging with English-language materials—through reading, interpretation, and discussions—helps develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. These abilities are essential for personal growth and are applicable in various life and work scenarios.

  • Critical Life Skills for the 21st Century: In this program, participants learn essential life skills such as goal setting, time management, developing a system to achieve goals, maintaining consistency, and establishing lasting habits. They also cultivate a growth mindset, which is crucial for navigating challenges and seizing opportunities in a rapidly changing world.

2. Building a Supportive Community

  • Fostering Connections: The program will create a supportive community where care leavers and young people who have escaped the child slavery system can connect with peers who share similar life experiences. This network provides support and a sense of belonging, which is crucial for those who have aged out of the care system or endured child slavery and may otherwise feel isolated.

  • Encouraging Mutual Aid: Participants will have the opportunity to exchange resources, knowledge, and experiences, helping each other overcome challenges and celebrate successes. This culture of cooperation and collective empowerment fosters stronger, more resilient communities.

By supporting this program, you contribute to breaking down barriers, enhancing opportunities, and fostering a supportive network for care leavers and young people who have escaped the child slavery system. Your investment helps these young individuals gain valuable skills that will positively impact their futures and their communities.

Language Learning Approach

Methods and Delivery

Our program employs a lexical and communicative approach, focusing on practical language use and real-life communication skills. Key elements include:

  • Meaning-Focused Learning: Participants will engage in extensive reading and listening activities to enhance comprehension and language skills.

  • Creole-English Bilingual Texts: Bilingual texts will support understanding and vocabulary building.

  • Comprehensive Resources: PDFs and audio recordings will provide structured lessons and reinforce learning.

  • Weekly Conversations: Participants will practice English in interactive sessions, applying learned material to real conversations.

  • Personalized Coaching and Mentoring: Individualized support will address specific learning needs and guide participants through their language development journey.

Duration and Timeline

  • Total Duration: 6 months

To succeed in this program, participants will need to commit to approximately 1 hour of daily learning using the provided resources. One of the key benefits of this program is its emphasis on fostering independence in learners, equipping them with the skills and confidence to continue their language journey beyond the program.

Fund Allocation

I am raising a total of $6,000 to launch this program. Your generous contributions will be allocated as follows to ensure success and sustainability:

  • Personnel Costs: $4,500 ( Program Manager, English Coach, and Curriculum Designer).

  • Learning Management System: $432

  • Audio Recording Production: $600

  • Outsourcing (Editing and Translation): $468

This funding will support 20 young people who have aged out of orphanages and those who have experienced child slavery for six months, providing them with essential resources and personalized guidance. It will also lay the groundwork for a sustainable and scalable model, ensuring a lasting impact and continued support for future participants.

Strategic Partnerships for Success

I will partner with NGOs that support care leavers and survivors of child slavery to directly connect with these young people, provide extra support, and ensure their accountability. While some NGOs offer life skills, education, and employment support, our English program addresses a critical gap by equipping them with essential language skills for better opportunities. As a leader, I believe in seeing people for who they can become with the right investment. By empowering these young individuals, we can unlock their potential and help them build a brighter future for themselves and their communities.

Where I lived, we often had visitors from English-speaking countries, but I found it difficult to communicate with them due to my limited English skills. I started learning English at a language school, but after months, I saw little progress. English felt overwhelming, and I gave up, feeling defeated. But later, a simple gift – a dictionary – reignited my passion. Through trial and error, I discovered methods and strategies that worked for me, and I learned English on my own!

Now, I speak Spanish, English, Haitian Creole, French, and Brazilian Portuguese, and I'm currently diving into Turkish because I'm fascinated by its sound and beauty.

Learning English and other languages has opened countless doors for me. It has expanded my knowledge, connected me with people worldwide, and empowered me to travel confidently. I’ve delivered countless webinars and seminars in different languages, engaged in public speaking on an international level, built an online business, and made connections I never thought possible.

Years of Experience

Over 7 Years of Passion: For more than seven years, I have been passionate about language learning, evolving from teaching to coaching and mentoring.

Extensive Experience: I have thousands of hours of teaching and over 200 hours of coaching and mentoring experience.

Diverse Clientele: I have worked with a wide range of people, including company employees, organization founders, missionaries, volunteers, and individuals interested in connecting with their roots.

Break the Cycle of Hardship and Unleash Potential

Empower Care Leavers and Young People Who Endured Child Slavery in Haiti through our transformative English Coaching and Mentoring Program.

Your support is not just a donation; it is an investment in breaking the chains of poverty and hardship. By providing these resilient young people with essential language skills and personalized guidance, you’re giving them the tools to forge a new path, build a better future, and become catalysts for positive change in their communities.

Join us in this mission to create opportunities, foster independence, and unlock the potential within every care leaver and survivor of child slavery. Together, we can help them rewrite their stories and pave the way for a brighter, more hopeful tomorrow.

Empower, Support, Transform.